Get the ingredients for the dough ready at room temperature in good time. Heat the milk/water to hand temperature and add the saffron. Beat the eggs, sugar, salt, cardamom and crumbled yeast together. Add the milk. Whisk 5 dl of flour into the dough. Add 8 dl of flour and knead the dough with your hands to get air into it. This will enhance the glutination of the flour. Add the soft butter/margarine and the rest of the flour and knead until it comes away from your hands completely.

Leave to rise for one hour at room temperature. Cut the dough into 8 pieces of the  same size and shape each piece into long strands. Form two long loafs by plaiting together four strands of dough. Bend both loaves into a semi-circular shape. Place each on a baking sheet.Leave to rise on a baking sheet until ready for the oven. Glaze with yolk and sprinkle coarse sugar and almond flakes on top. Bake the plaited buns in a preheated oven (225°C) for 12 minutes. You can also make small buns with the same dough; bake them at 250°C for 8 minutes. When the buns are cool, cut off the ends and combine them into a round shape.

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